The New Year is the day when a new calendar year begins. The New Year is celebrated on January 1st (New Year’s Day). According to the Gregorian calendar, January 1 is considered as the first day of the year. Ahead of the new year, people start planning for their celebrations and resolutions. Like many other festivals, New Year also brings joy and happiness, irrespective of the culture and caste. 

In Western countries, New Year’s Day is surrounded by many traditions and customs. The night before, known as New Year’s Eve, people throw parties and feasts. They stay up late, counting down the minutes until midnight. Fireworks displays are frequently organized, and people flock to the streets at midnight to watch them. At midnight, it is customary to shake hands with others and wish them a “Happy New Year.” Many people make New Year’s resolutions or self-promises. 

Watch-night services (also known as Watch-night Mass) are held late on New Year’s Eve in many Christian traditions. This gives them the opportunity to reflect on the previous year and make confession, as well as to prepare for the coming year by praying and making New Year’s resolutions.


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