There are 365 days out of the year and the only time people can express how they truly feel about the opposite sex is on Valentine's Day. The statistics show about 62% of adults will celebrate this holiday in the United States. This special holiday is celebrated in some countries, although other places around the world it’s a normal work day for some people. Around this time of year people go all out just to express how they feel about that special person hoping to find true love. However, many people find out that they have wasted a lot money on one day instead, people manage to do the same thing every year just to keep their wife or husband happy. Therefore, people honestly forgot what the true meaning of Valentine’s Day is all about. For instance, Valentine’s Day remains a worthless holiday for many people because, loving someone only one day out of the year isn’t how a relationship works. Plus Valentine’s Day is all about couples and sales. 

Valentine’s Day remains a worthless holiday for many people because love should never be expressed only one day out of a year. Everyone knows that it takes more than just one day to love a person, yet people still celebrate this special day. Some people forget the little things we do every day to show how much we care about that significant other. For example, sending a text message saying “ I love you” or just enjoying each other company is all it takes. As a result, there are easy ways to show how much we love another person through the year without having to stress about one day out of the year.

 Love can also be shown 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year or in simpler terms every day. Just remember showing how much you care will go a much farther than just showing it one day out of the year. The second reason Valentine’s Day happens to become a worthless holiday for many people is because it’s mostly driven by sales. Every year millions of people go out of their busy schedules to find the perfect gift to their special Valentine’s date. The most common gift, that people buy around this holiday is chocolate, flowers, jewelry, greeting cards or a stuff animal. Last year men spend 150 dollars or more on valentine's day. As for women they spend 74 dollars or more. However, do people really need to buy expensive gifts just to win their love? Many people believe that we have to give expensive gifts because of the social media and what other people say about buying gifts on Valentine's Day. As a result, it's gotten to the point where Valentine’s Day no longer about love but how much the other person spends.

 Finally the last reason why Valentine’s Day has become a worthless holiday for many people is because this holiday seems to be geared towards only couples. A lot of people still believe that Valentine’s Day is only for people that have boyfriends or girlfriends, which is not true. Valentine’sDay is sharing a day with someone that you love which could be friends or family members. Peoplealso need to remember to look beyond the romantic part, because it's also a great way to say “thankyou”. For example, everyone has loving parents or grandparents so why not say "thank you" for thelove and support on Valentines's Day. On the other hand, it really does not matter if you're single ordivorce everyone has a person they love in their life that they can share Valentine’s with. 

In addition Valentine’s Day remains a worthless holiday for many people because, loving someone only one day out of the year isn’t how a relationship works. Plus Valentine’s Day is all about couples and sales. Valentine’s day is a holiday that offers a great opportunity to express on how we choose to celebrate love. For many people on valentine's day they keep with traditional method which is chocolate, flowers and an elegant dinner. However, other people might celebrate this day towards parents, family or children on valentine's day. As a result, with many ways of displaying love to others, it can make a big difference in someone's life. So the next time valentines' day comes around remember too many people it's a special day for love in the air and to others it’s a worthless holiday.


  1. Yes, expressing love or affections to other people should not be just once a year. Very well said, Janna!


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